Saturday, March 29, 2014

Get a Smile with Longevity – Choose Cosmetic Dentistry

For most people, teeth issues are among the tell-tale signs that age is indeed catching up with them. It is a common misperception that dentures, sunken cheeks, longer teeth and the like are inevitable as you age; nothing can be further from the truth. With good oral health and a bit of cosmetic dentistry, there shouldn’t be any reason why you cannot have a brilliant smile all your life.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Maintain Your Oral Health with Preventive Dentistry

Preventive dentistry refers to the practice of taking care your teeth and keeping them healthy. It helps to prevent cavities, enamel wear, gum disease, and more. Preventive dentistry may include flossing, use of the right toothbrush and toothpaste, brushing your tongue and visiting the dentist regularly.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Look Good and Feel Good – Choose Cosmetic Dentistry

When you have a great-looking smile, you feel more confident in social situations, at business events, or even amid a crowd of strangers. Good dental health is important for your overall well-being, but cosmetic dentistry helps bring your physical and mental wellness to a whole new level. If you had dental work done several years ago, it may be time for you to find a DC holistic dentist for an upgrade. New techniques are constantly being discovered, and you want to make sure that the structural and cosmetic dental work in your mouth is up to date and of the very best quality.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Make the Best First Impression with a Smile Makeover

According to, you only have seven seconds to make a first impression. If you are in the service industry and you face people every day in the course of doing your job, this means you only have seven seconds to hook a potential customer on what you are selling.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Revamp Your Smile with Porcelain Veneers and Dental Implants

Our smile is one of the first things people notice about us. If the teeth are too small for the face then they tend to make the person look a bit childish. If they are too big then they make the person look strange. A smile makes such a strong impact; it’s important that it’s well taken care of.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Fear of the Dentist? 5 Ways to Overcome Your Anxiety

Many people dread the dentist's chair to the point that it keeps them from seeking appropriate dental care. That is a big problem because it could lead to tooth loss and serious consequences such as gum disease. There are, however, holistic dentists in D.C., who understand that dental care should also take into account the physical and emotional health of the patient. For your next visit to a holistic D.C. dentist, try doing the following things. They just might help you relax and stay anxiety-free.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Exploring the Adverse Effects of Mercury Fillings

There has been a long-running debate over the safety of conventional dental amalgam fillings. Dental fillings consist of a blend (or amalgam) of mercury, copper and silver. Mercury is the main ingredient, comprising about 50% of the silver-colored amalgam fillings. There is a growing body of evidence that suggests that mercury fillings are harmful to health and can cause adverse health effects.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

6 Ways to Whiten Your Smile at Home or the Dentist's Office

Our teeth tend to become yellow as we age. The kind of foods you eat can also discolor your teeth. Discolored teeth can actually make you look older than you really are. The good news is that it is possible to whiten your teeth and improve your general appearance. A holistic dentist DC can help you brighten your smile. You can also choose natural options to whiten your teeth. Here are six cosmetic and natural ways to whiten your smile.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Bleeding Gums - Are They Always an Indicator of Gum Disease?

Healthy gums are pink and hold your teeth solidly in place. They should not bleed then touched or brushed. One of the most common causes of bleeding gums is gum disease, but gums may also bleed as a result of hormonal changes, chemotherapy and the use of tobacco products.

Poor dental hygiene can lead to gum disease which, in turn, can lead to bleeding gums. But inadequate oral care is just one cause. Holistic dentists approach gum disease from a broader perspective to explore other possible causes of the condition, such as genetics, stress, and diet.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

5 Reasons to Choose a Holistic Dentist

Holistic dentistry is an approach to dentistry that promotes the wellness and health of the entire body. This unique approach encompasses both traditional dental knowledge and modern science to go beyond the teeth and treat the mind, body, and spirit as well.

The advantages to working with a holistic or biological dentist are many. The holistic dentist employs numerous eco-friendly techniques that are uncommon among regular dentists. Typically, a holistic dentist employs certain techniques which are uncommon among regular dentists.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Why Holistic Dentistry Focuses on the Tooth-Body Connection

The oral cavity is the gateway to our entire body, and tooth problems can be symptomatic of serious diseases such as diabetes or heart disease. Holistic dentistry has been studying this tooth-body connection for decades and has identified how each tooth is directly linked to an organ in our body.

If you are struggling with diabetes, knee or joint pain, bladder problems or any other health issues, a holistic dentist can determine whether or not your teeth are affecting your overall health.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Smile More: Influence Your Life for the Better

Smiles are powerful. Feelings influence your smile – you can't help but smile when you're having fun or feeling good. But did you know that your smile can directly influence your thoughts, feelings, social life, and even your physical health?